Hair color and hair dye

Short Stuff Gal
2 min readNov 30, 2021

Didi, a woman in her mid 60’s has lost her job due to the Covid pandemic which started in 2020. It’s now been almost two years where she and her husband have lived off his wages solely. Didi and her husband live with their oldest child.

It’s now been three months since Didi has cut her hair. Lilly has started to notice her mom’s hair needs a cut. One Saturday she asked: “Mom, when are you going for a haircut?”
“I don’t know,” Didi responded.
“Do you not have the money to cut your hair?” Lilly asked softly so that another family member don’t overhear the conversation.
“No,” Didi says.
Lilly nodded to her mom and walked away. In her room, she picked up her phone, opened up an App, and booked a hair appointment for her mom. She then sent a notice to her mom of the date for the haircut.

A few days later, Didi says with a lot of excitement in her voice: “The haircut is on the 29th of November.”

Sometimes we complain that we can’t have our hair colored. That the grey hair is starting to show or that we can’t have our nails done but we tend to forget how much we have, to be thankful for. Many people can’t afford to color their hair because they are retired and the funds are low. Others take care of their loved ones and can’t splurge on things like hair color. We forget these things because we do not listen closely to what others tell us or we have careers where we do not work with people. In professions like a pastor, counselor, nurse, health professional, etc. these people tend to work with others. It’s their work to serve others a service and this is where you hear the stories behind closed doors.

I learned that if you have a career which not involve working with people, then make sure you are part of some sort of non-profit organization. They usually work with people who have less. At places like these, your eyes are opened to what you have.

Make a list today of what you have. It will be an eye opener.



Short Stuff Gal

Short stories, long stories. What the heck! Just entertainment.